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        &SDJZFT ࢑਷ Ӓܻझয  "SHBFBT ੄ ੉ܴਸ ٮࢲ  4JMWFS .PVOUBJO ੉ۄҊ ܻࠛݴ ,BZTFSJীࢲ թଃਵ۽   LN ڄযઉ
                  ount Erciyes, which has taken her name from a Grek word ‘Argaeos’ and thus can be called as ‘Silver Mountain’, is located in
                  20 km South of Kayseri. It has been the symbol of the region for almost 50 million years. The mountain has played a very crucial
        ੓णפ׮  Ѣ੄  ୌ݅ ֙ زউ ੉ ૑৉੄ ࢚૚੉঻णפ׮
            role during the civilizations of different empires such as Hittites, Phrygians, Persians, Cappodocia, Roman, Byzantium, Seljukian and
        ӝਗ੹     ֙ ஠੉ࣁܻ ઱߸ী ୊਺ ੿଱ೠ ੉ې ൤ఋ੉౟  ೐ܻ૑ই  ಕܰदই  ஠౵بఃই  ۽݃  ࠺ਖ਼౯  ࣄ઱௼
            Ottoman empires since the first settlements around Kayseri in BC 4.000. It is the heart of Kayseri with 3.917 m height and  snowy
        য়झ݅ ઁҴҗ э਷ ৈ۞ ઁҴ੄ ޙݺীࢲ ݒ਋ ઺ਃೠ ৉ೡਸ ೮णפ׮       ޷ఠ ֫੉੄ ੢ষೠ ࠉ਋ܻ৬ ҳܴਸ
            magnificent summit with piercing clouds. This most handsome mountain has always granted holy feelings to the people to such an
        оܰח ׀ਵ۽ ؗੋ ஠੉ࣁܻ੄ ब੢ࠗੑפ׮  ੉ о੢ ইܴ׮਍ ࢑਷ ೦࢚ ࢎۈٜ۽ ೞৈӘ ࢿझ۞਍ ו՝ਸ ыѱ ೞৈ
            extent that in the archaic period, famed as Olympos in Anatolia with holy supernatural identity, this value was even reflected to the coins
        ੉ ч ؋࠙ী ইա఺ܻইীࢲח ৢܿನझ 0MZNQPT ۄҊ ܻࠛѱ غ঻Ҋ  Ӓ नࢿೠ ୡ੗ো੸ ੿୓۽ Ҋ؀ ۽݃ઁҴ੄
            of Roman Empire. According to the historians, as an extinct volcano, explosions have begun almost 30 million years ago and volcano
        ઱ചীب ߈৔غ঻׮  ৉ࢎоٜী ٮܰݶ ࠙ചח ড  ୌ݅ ֙ ੹ী ࢎച࢑ਵ۽ द੘غ঻ਵݴ  ࠙ച੄ ಩۱ਵ۽ ਊঐ਷
            were moved kilometers around from the mountain with the severity of the explosions. Throughout the history, by the effect of wind and
        ࢑ীࢲ ࣻ ఆ۽޷ఠ ڄয૓ Ҕਵ۽ ৤ѹ઎णפ׮  ৉ࢎܳ ాౣয ਊঐ੄ ࢚க਷ ߄ۈҗ ഘࣻ੄ ৔ೱਵ۽ ౵ҦغҊ ਃ੿
            flood, upper strata of the volcano disappeared and fairy chimneys and geologic structure of Cappadocia were formed. Therefore, it would
        ҷڣҗ ஠౵بఃই੄ ૑૕ ҳઑо ഋࢿغ঻णפ׮  ੉ ٸޙী ীܰद৘झ ࢑ਸ ஠౵بఃই੄ ইߡ૑ۄ ೧ب җ঱੉ ইק
            not be an exaggeration if Erciyes Mountain is seen as the father of Cappadocia.
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